Please contact Mrs Brocksom ( for information about joining our school.


All staff at St Nicholas School are committed to safeguarding our pupils and promoting the welfare of children and expect all visitors and volunteers to share this commitment. This means we have a child protection policy and procedures in place. All staff, supply, volunteers and governors must ensure they are aware of these procedures. Parents and Carers are welcome to read the Child Protection policy on the school’s website or upon request. We follow the Plymouth CAST policy and LSCB Guidance.  

Mr Railston is responsible for Child Protection within the school. It is his duty and responsibility to pass on to outside agencies any concerns that a pupil is being harmed or may be at risk of being harmed. This may result in a referral to Children and Young People’s Services. 

If you are concerned about a child’s welfare please record your concern and report to a Designated Lead immediately. 

If your concerns relate to the actions of a member of staff please report this to the DSL or DDSL's listed below. 

If your concerns relate to the actions of the Headteacher please contact our Chair of Governors, (

Mr D Railston

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss S Boult

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Ms F Dennehy

Foundation Governor with responsibility for safeguarding

Mr J Cookson

Foundation Governor with responsibility for safeguarding

Useful Documents and Links
Preventing Radicalisation
Online Safety 
Parent Info is a new service for schools from The Parent Zone and CEOP. The information is designed to help parents build children’s resilience online and off. It covers a wide range of topics that affect children and young people, from body image to sexting, from what you need to know about snapchat to online grooming.
Come in to find the latest information on the sites you like to visit, mobiles and new technology. Find out what’s good, what’s not and what you can do about it. If you look after young people there’s an area for you too – with resources you can use in the classroom or at home. Most importantly, there’s also a place which anyone can use to report if they feel uncomfortable or worried about someone they are chatting to online. All the information here is brought to you by the team at the NCA's CEOP Command. We hope you like it!
Learn how to be a smart internet surfer here