We are holding Open Days for September 2025 admissions to Reception Class on 12th November at 9.30am, 13th November at 9.30am and 6pm on the 14th November. Please contact Mrs Brocksom (admissions@stncs.uk) to book onto a tour and for information about joining our school.

Easter Cross

A large, bare, rustic cross has been erected in the grounds of our school symbolising the sadness and despair of Good Friday. The children were invited to bring flowers in to decorate it as a sign that Good Friday was not the end of the story and that, in Jesus’ resurrection, we are given abundant life and hope. 

The cross was situated in a place that ensured this message can be seen by anyone who passes our school; our children sharing the message of the Good News to the world.  If ever the world needed the message of Easter, it is the knowledge that pain and struggle is surpassed by joy and hope.  It is a message that resonates with us throughout our daily lives as we move out of the current pandemic and beyond.