We are holding Open Days for September 2025 admissions to Reception Class on 12th November at 9.30am, 13th November at 9.30am and 6pm on the 14th November. Please contact Mrs Brocksom (admissions@stncs.uk) to book onto a tour and for information about joining our school.

No Pens Day

Dear St. Nicholas Catholic Primary School,

Thank you for your generous donation of £91. Your support enables children who are struggling to talk and understand words to get help when they need it most. This can make a huge difference, and enables children like James* to look to the future with confidence.
At seven years old, James was behind others in his class. He had difficulty forming sentences and having a conversation. He couldn’t focus in lessons and staff were concerned about his behaviour. Luckily, one of James’ teaching assistants had been trained to deliver our Talk Boost course.

After a few sessions, teachers describe him as: “much calmer, his talking is clearer and he’s more confident”.
We want this to be the story of so many more children. That’s why we’re designing innovative tools and training for thousands of nursery staff and teachers, and putting pressure on politicians to bring about lasting change.

Your support makes it all happen. On behalf of the 1.7m children across the UK struggling to talk and understand words right now, thank you so much.

The Speech and Language UK team