We are holding Open Days for September 2025 admissions to Reception Class on 12th November at 9.30am, 13th November at 9.30am and 6pm on the 14th November. Please contact Mrs Brocksom (admissions@stncs.uk) to book onto a tour and for information about joining our school.

Ruben the Lost Cat!

You may have seen our visitor this week - a black cat who liked to be inside school, usually to be found asleep in the Reception area. 
We were all a bit concerned about him. Ali in the Office checked the internet for lost cats in Exeter and found the poster below. After phoning the number given it was confirmed our cat was Ruben who had been lost for a month. 
The owners were delighted to come and pick him up and very happy to see him again. He was a bit thinner but definitely their cat!
Ella and Lara were in the Office when they came and gave a presentation at assembly to the school to tell them what had happened. They held up the posters and said:
"This is Ruben, a black cat that has been visiting our school because he has been lost for a month. His owners live in St Leonards, it's pretty far. Ruben has been coming here for food and warmth. 
The office has found this poster on Lost Cats on Facebook. They called the owners. It was a while but they finally got here when Ruben was asleep on the chair. 
Ruben has been re-united with his owners and they took him back home. 
We miss him alot".